There are a lot of questions when you have a baby. We are asked a lot of questions, and we have a lot of questions. There seems to be a few questions that I am asked consistently, so I decided to do a Baby Patterson FAQ!
Q: When are you due? A: February 12th
Q: Are you going to find out whether you are having a boy or a girl? A: No. Although I am a complete control freak and a total planner, I love a great surprise! And we decided that this is one of the last true surprises in life. We'll do a neutral nursery, and I promise it will still be cute. :) And I'll just have to wait to splurge on pink or blue until after the baby's arrival! This is very unlike me, and it's going to be hard, but it is one thing that I can't control... and that's kind of nice for a change.
Q: Are the future grandparents so excited? A: Everyone is beyond excited. It is the first grandchild for my parents and my mom literally started shopping the day after we told them the news.
Q: How are you feeling? A: If you're reading this blog, my guess is that you already know the answer to that one. :)
Q: Where will you deliver? A: My doctor is at Evanston Northwestern Hospital, so I will deliver there. It is a fantastic hospital, and I completely trust my doctor, so I'm not worried in the least. It is about 20 minutes north of our house.
Q: Have you begun thinking about names? A: Of course! When I was 15! :) Now that it is "for real", as they say, Jason and I are running through the names we like together. We each veto the names we absolutely cannot stand, and make a mental list of the names that we kinda sorta agree on. As we get closer we will choose our favorites and after the baby is born we will decide together for sure. And then we'll let you all know. So no, we won't tell you ahead of time. Not even you, mom. Sorry. :) Just think how much better that will make the surprise! :)
Q: Do you think you will try to deliver naturally or have an epidural? A: I have a pretty low pain tolerance. Bring on the drugs, baby! My friend, Dana, is a
Nurse Anesthetists, and she did research in her program at Northwestern (in which she graduated #1 in her class!) that you can have an epidural at only 1 centimeter dilated. I probably won't be there then, but as soon as I am, you better believe I am asking for those drugs. Can you just see me now?.... "My friend Dana said...." I'm sure they'll love me. :)
Q: Are you hoping for a boy or a girl? A: I honestly don't care one bit. Most of all, I want the baby to be healthy! And I'll take whatever it is that God wants me to have!
Q: Do you have a feeling about the gender one way or the other? A: None what so ever.
Q: Are you nervous? A: Very. I feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility to raise a kind, appreciative, well mannered, well adjusted member of our family and of society in general. I want to be the kind of mother that makes herself available to listen to her children so they fell like they can come to me with whatever it is they need. And I want to have a little fun, too. Jason has that part of fatherhood in the bag. He has all the one liners and the energy to get down on the floor and rough house. I am already telling him that he'll be the fun parent, and I'll be the one that the children grow to resent. :) Hopefully that's only half true.