Monday, September 29, 2008

This we know for sure...

We might be torturing ourselves by not finding out the baby's gender, and we might be making you crazy by not telling you the names we have picked out. We might not know if the baby will be born with the same Illini orange and blue blood that Jason and I and the rest of our families were born with, and we may not solve the debate about whether it will be a Cubs fan (woo-hoo!!) or a Cardinals fan (boo-hoo) until the baby is old enough to tell us itself; but one thing we do know for sure... the baby is a Bears Fan! :)

Last night, Jason and I watched the Bears win a great game! The whole time, the baby was flipping around and doing what I can only imagine were cheers in there; flailing it's little arms and legs around to encourage its one clear choice of sports team to victory! In fact, the movement became so big, that even Jason could feel him/her move for the first time! I could see the stars in Jason's eyes... dreaming of one day taking his son or daughter to the game, tossing an arm around him/her and saying, "You know, the first time I ever felt you move, was during a game much like this..."

Who are we kidding, Jason's not that sentimental. Unless being a dad really brings it out in him, it will probably be more like me smothering my children, much to their embarrassment, spilling their ball park hot dog in the process, telling them between tears how their dad felt them kicking for the first time during the Bears vs. Eagles game of '08. Then they'll wiggle out from under my arm, Jason will pass me a tissue for my tears and tell me that he loves me but to watch the game, just as this little miracle growing inside me now, asks me for $10 to buy a pretzel.

But still, I'm sure I'll tell the story. And I'll love it. We're already making memories. :)
Bear Down!


Michelle said...

So cute!! I remember when I was pregnant with Ella, she would get super excited during football games too! :)

Unknown said...

you are so cute, jo :)