Monday, September 8, 2008

17 1/2 Weeks!

Baby is growing and so am I! Here is a recent picture from 17 1/2 weeks. I'm looking more and more pregnant now, and it is pretty strange, but fun. As I get bigger it becomes more and more "real" that the baby is coming, and my bond with the little guy (or girl) becomes deeper.

I am feeling so much better! Don't ever underestimate your energy. :) I think Jason secretly misses lazy Johanna, but she's for the birds! She was so terribly boring! I get sick very infrequently now, and when I do, I'm so used to it that I just do it and move on. Bizarre, yes. Uncommon, probably not.

I've been swimming a lot and riding my bike. I guess I'm not really supposed to ride my bike, but I feel totally comfortable on it still, and my doctor didn't tell me I couldn't, so I'm going with it. Soon, I probably won't be able to ride at all since I'm only going to get bigger! Swimming I can do until literally the day I deliver, since it is low impact (although I better get a bigger suit!). I am going to sign up for Prenatal yoga soon. Deep cleansing breath in.....

I'm still craving fruits and vegetables by the fist full. And hot wings, of all strange things. I have never been a wing girl, so this must be Jason's influence on the baby. ;) I had a tuna melt the other day and it tasted so good you would have thought I was eating a lobster that I caught with my own hands 2 hours ago. It seemed like the best sandwich I ever had! I know what you're saying; A tuna melt? Yep. That's all it was. And I probably can count on half of a hand the number of times I've ordered that before in my whole life.

What can I say? Pregnancy is definitely a strange thing, but with (hopefully) a wonderful outcome! I'm just taking it all in.


Erin said...

You look so cute!!! Glad to hear you are feeling better. That's got to be a relief, huh? And it's good that you are at least craving healthy things. I craved fries and milkshakes. : )

Sweet Cakes said...

Hi Jo!! You look GREAT! It's so fun that our babies are about the same age and we're sort of "growing" together! Have you gotten "bella bands" yet? They're a life saver for me! Because I'm sure that you're finding normal clothes are too tight, maternity clothes too big!
I'm soooo glad that you're feeling better!
Do you have any names picked out yet??

Unknown said...

LOOK AT YOU!!!!! Adorable adorable adorable! There is nothing quite like your first pregnancy. I remember taking pictures with Noah in my tummy and it was so exciting (and I still had a 120 lb body!). With Maia I felt frumpy already and so it just wasn't nearly as fun and exiting and YOU! Thank you for sharing you cutie pregnant girl, you!

Anonymous said...

In just a few months your belly *should* be bigger than Jason's. ;)

Alexis Jacobs said...

You look adorable!! Cravings are a weird thing. What tastes great now will taste not so great in a few months.

Kate O'Malley Jeffrey said...

how cute are you!!! i can't wait to see you in person soon:)

The Vlachs said...

Hi Jo! I am so glad you're feeling so much better. You look adorable! I can't wait to catch up. That's cool that you already found your crib! I loved your write up about the sleepless nights. I used to feel guilty too (Why can't I sleep when I can!!!) but then my doctor told me to think of it as practice for getting up in the night :)