Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Gonna get by with a little help from my family....

If you know me, you know that there are about two things that you can always count of from me: 1. To be anal and orderly; 2. To be anal and orderly. Oh, did I already say that? Well I'm anal enough to say it twice.

Pregnant Jo, however.... not so much. Jason loves to tell the story about the night that after dinner I said to him, "Just leave those dishes, honey; they'll be there tomorrow." He about passed out. Jason loves pregnant more laid back Jo.

I, however, am not such a fan. I cannot STAND clutter. But I also do not have the energy to devote to the elimination of it that I once did. I am sure all of you already mommies are laughing at me right now thinking, "Welcome to the rest of your life, kiddo." I maintain that after I am feeling better I will find time. Maybe not as often, but I will have to find some time in there somewhere. Otherwise, I might go insane. :)

The other night I had a breakdown to my mom. I had to admit to her that I hadn't put a single shoe away since I had found out that I was pregnant. They were literally just piled on top of each other in my closet. The same when for my jewelry. Just left in a heap. Then my birthday came, and I didn't have the energy to put away my gifts so I just piled them in my closet on top of the shoe pile and closed the door. The junk mail/ magazine pile was out of control on our counter. Jason was great help with the dishes and the cooking and the groceries and the laundry, but it was all done in a very boy way. I mean no disrespect, he was an incredible help, but you should see the way that boy folds clothing. It's just not right.

I just don't have the energy for these things. I literally cannot do it. I have been so sick, and so tired all of the time. I'm ready for the second trimester. Monday night, my mom and dad came to my rescue! They showed up at our house in the late afternoon. When I got home from work that day, my mom already had the laundry sorted in piles and going in the washing machine. She'd pulled everything out of the closet, sorted it in piles, and paired all of the shoes. My dad watered our plants, changed the sheets in the guest room (from a recent guest), and Jason made us all a feast on the grill. It was such a great treat! My parents were there working for 5 1/2 hours. I wasn't kidding when I said it was a mess. Thank you Mom and Dad!!!!!

It all looks so much better now, and I feel so much better now. Everything is nice and organized again, and I have a fresh start now, so I just have to do a few things at a time each day. Somehow to me, if I have to throw up left and right all over the city, at least I can come home to an organized closet and drawers full of clean clothes. Ahhhhh. Sweet relief. :) At first site of our closet floor again, Jason said, "Whoa. The floor!"

My mother-in-law has also offered to take the train in to help me. My neighbor is constantly saying "Remember I'm just across the hall!" This pregnancy may not be a pretty ride, but I sure do feel loved.


Anonymous said...

Poor Jo! I'm just a hop, skip, and jump away, too! (Although I'd probably just drive.) :)

Alexis Jacobs said...

From one control freak to another... sometimes it IS okay to get help from others. Especially in the weeks and months to come.

Sweet Cakes said...

I hear you Jo!! Brandon does everything he can to try to keep our place in order... but by the time I get home from work, get Brady fed, bathed and ready for bed, the last thing I want to do is clean! Although the sight of an unclean homes drives you totally crazy!! So trust me, I understand and feel your pain! How nice that you have your Mom close by to help... I wish I did!

Unknown said...

Definitely keep allowing people to come help you -- now and when the baby arrives. You'll forever be grateful. Moms rock. Yours ranks up there with the best (Debbie, too!!)


Michelle said...

Another control freak here...saying, yes, you will get through this, and yes, you will gain (some) control back eventually! I feel your pain, I do!

Gotta love Mom and Dad!! :)