Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Set your DVR's!

Calling all Chicagoans! Well, early riser Chicagoans... er, early riser Chicagoans who care.... something like that.

Today I submitted Marin's cute little mug to be shown during the NBC 5 "First Birthdays", a segment dedicated to the stations tiniest viewers who are turning one. I then followed up my submission with an email to an old friend from high school who is the traffic guy for Channel 5 news in the morning, asking to turn in my "I know someone famous" card. I know. I have officially become that mom. What's next- calls to the coach before tryouts?! ("You know, Marin has been practicing her flip turns and I think you will agree that she is a very gifted swimmer! Do you know that she was going all the way under water at just six months old! Heavens! You should have seen her at bath time!") Oh well... what can I say? You do crazy things for your kids, right?

Anyway, Matt assured me that her picture will be on air on Monday at 6:35am, right after his traffic report. Now, I'm obviously not the only parent that sent in their child's photo, so don't blink, or you might miss her. But, she'll be there and we'll be watching!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I would so watch! How cute!