Friday, February 19, 2010

La Leche!

All the parenting books warn of the major disaster that is weaning from the bottle (cue horror music sequence)! They say you should do it slowing and integrate milk in a little at a time. They say to expect the child to wake at 3am, and to have a harder time falling asleep at night. Heidi Murkoff from "What to Expect the First Year" warns that timing is everything and that "you'll do your baby (and yourself) a big favor by choosing the weaning moment wisely."

To whom I would like to reply: "Whachu talkin' 'bout, Heidi?!"

Call me an unfit mother, but here's what we did in our house. One day at breakfast, instead of a bottle, a pink sippy cup appeared. And instead of formula, organic whole milk filled the container. Not only did Marin drink it, she enjoyed it. She didn't fuss, didn't cry, didn't wake at night; nada. And, added bonus- no messy powder or public nakedness for mom! Oh, and did I mention that it is $6 versus $35 for formula? Milk might be my new best friend!

"I'm going to call all my friends and tell them that milk isn't so bad! Bottles are for babies!"

Later that day, at lunch, Norah decides to see what all the fuss is about. "Hey, Marin. Can you throw me down some of that milk?"


miabasile said...

Thats good news. We didn't have a problem either. I guess we're lucky though, I know most babies don't love it at first...or it doesn't agree with them

Jason said...

Yep, now only 20 years until her next bottle.

Elizabeth Chilson said...

Yeah...I don't know why everyone says all these things. Drew had no problems losing the bottle, in fact, he got rid of it on his own. No fuss, no fighting. If only everything was that easy.

Glad Marin is doing well!

And, Jason, don't kid yourself. It may be closer to 15, but one can always hope that they wait a bit longer than that.

Lindsay said...

Her first drink will be at a cousins's only fitting. And it will be way before 2029.