Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You're One: Here's What I've Learned

Marin: Now that you are one, I took a few minutes to think about all that I have learned in the last year. Here are some of those things:

- being your Mommy is a gift I don't deserve.
- you need a degree in engineering to open some toy packages
- very little actually permanently stains
- your dirty diapers/ runny nose/ drool don't bother me even a little bit
- the thermal automatic coffee maker is a mom's lifesaver
- the sound of your voice makes me smile even when I've had a long day
- I like my job, but I love being home with you.
- a little dog slobber won't kill you
- whoever invented the velcro swaddles, the baby swing and the sleep sack, is a genius!
- we will pay somehow, someway for you being such an easy baby
- you won't break
- babies sleep through (almost) anything
- unbridled joy
- waking you up in the morning is the greatest part of my day
- it doesn't hurt to let you try things
- Target is a necessary treat
- unconditional love, bigger and more powerful than I ever knew possible
- laundry is unavoidable
- the true meaning of "change"
- nap time is a mother's sanctuary
- how to change a diaper in the dark/in a bar/in the car/on a plane
- life always regulates
- the older you get the more cliche I become- but in my defense- it really does go so fast, I really did blink and you are walking, you really have changed so quickly!
- onesies are needed in mass quantities
- I want you to have a brother and a sister
- it's not hard to make your own baby food
- the meaning of "latch"extends beyond the door or cabinet
- 22 hours of labor actually goes quickly
- the epidural is absolutely necessary
- the morning sickness was so worth it
- the whole world can change with one tiny smile
- I love your Daddy more than ever
- you are a miracle

1 comment:

The Vlachs said...

So sweet and funny. I got chills when I read that you want Marin to have a brother and a sister :)