Monday, May 3, 2010

Mom Monday!

I wanted to share something that I am very excited about. I have been featured on Kolcraft's Baby Matters Blog! Emilie works for Kolcraft and she referred me to Michelle, the blog's author for their 5 Mom Monday's series. It kicked off today with me. What? That's right. I'm as shocked as you, that someone cares about what I have to say.

Huge thanks to Emilie and Michelle! I may have never been more excited about anything, ever. Well, except Marin being born. And meeting Jason. And our wedding day. And getting that pesky grass stain out of Marin's new pants. But you get the idea. I'm REALLY excited!

So click this link and pop on over to read about a mom you know! :)

PS- Aren't the pictures pretty? All props to the photographer, Erica. She's going pro, so you can have pictures this pretty too! Let me know if you'd like her number!


mia said...

Hey, I used to work with this Michelle. Small world.

Kisses for Kai said...

Oh Johanna, I loved your interview. I'm so proud of you! I actually shed a tear reading your interview. You are really going somewhere and coming into your own. I can't wait to read your columns in major magazines. And I will be the first to read Blood, Sweat and Breastmilk! You are very talented and I am so happy for you...

Jessica said...

So amazing! Congrats!

The Vlachs said...

Fabulous!!! The interview and you!! I enjoyed every word and was so sad when it was over!! Gorgeous pictures too! (Now I'm even more excited to have Erica take ours when we're in Geneva!) Congratulations!! Love, Meg

Emilie said...

Your interview was fabulous! I loved it, I could read it 1,000 more times :)AND I absolutely LOVE the pictures!!!

Michelle said...

You are an amazing woman. So honored that Kolcraft has you on our blog.

Elizabeth Chilson said...

Jo -

Loved the interview. What a special moment for you! I love reading your writing, so get busy on the book :) You give such honest and genuine answers and I love that. Congrats on a very cool day!