Thursday, March 25, 2010

Feeding Whom?

Yesterday I noticed a Mommy and Daddy mallard duck couple- a duckle, if you will- in our back yard. So, I quickly ran to get Marin, and a piece of bread, and excitedly ran to the yard to teach Marin how to feed the ducks.

I handed Marin the bread, walked quietly and carefully up to the duckle and began tearing off pieces of the bread to hopefully entice them to come closer to us, all the while explaining to Marin what I was doing, and all but pleading with the ducks to make me a hero. However, either our albeit gentle, but persistently steady advances, or the general throwing of food in their direction, startled the duckle a bit, and they wandered away.


Or was it? As I was off trying to encourage the ducks back into our yard- you know, for Marin's sake- I looked back at Marin.....

who was happily feeding herself the duckle's bread.

"Who cares about those birds, Mom. This bread is yummy!"

1 comment:

Jessica said...

HYSTERICAL. I love the look on her face! How cute.