Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Big Sister Class!

Saturday Marin and I went to Big Sister (and Brother) class at the hospital where I'll deliver the baby. When we arrived, the nurse checking us in asked Marin, "What is your name?" And she replied, "I Big Sister! I go Big Sister class!" The nurse very sweetly responded, "That's right! What's your name, sweetie?"

We went through the rest of the class with the same enthusiasm. Marin learned all about babies and like the other children, shared a baby picture with the class. They read a book about a baby coming home, and watched a puppet show. They learned what babies eat, and what might be some safe toys for them to play with, and how they are special because they get to eat big sister and brother things and play with big children toys. When it came time to holding a pretend baby, Marin was first in line. When she learned that they were going to get to see a REAL baby, Marin bolted to the front of the line so fast, I literally had to run after her through the hospital. The real baby part was for sure the highlight for Marin. She was obsessed. She pointed out everything she recognized in their bassinets- pacis, the nose aspirator. We had to stay after a little bit and look at every single baby in the nursery while Marin said, "Look Mommy, a 'lil baby!" Marin also got to see the room where she will visit Mommy and Daddy after the baby arrives. When the nurse showed her where Daddy would sleep Marin told me, "Daddy like this!" I didn't want to burst her sweet optimism, but I can almost guarantee her, that her Daddy will not be as thrilled by the twin pull out sleeper/couch.

We got to take home a coloring book that talked all about how special it is to be a big sister and how exciting it will be to meet the new baby. I am really nervous about Marin feeling like we don't love her as much once the new baby comes, so I hope that the class was another way that helped her feel like becoming a big sister is special. It was a fun morning together, until I asked her to hold my hand on the way out (instead of running the halls of the hospital at top speed) and she threw herself on the ground and threw a complete fit. And then I pictured two of them...


Jessica said...

At least only one of them will be able to throw themselves down and fingers crossed, Marin will be out of the throwing body to floor stage by the time "baby" starts:).
PLUS knowing you, you'll handle two with ease!

Sweet Cakes said...

Two is a big change but you'll do GREAT!!!! I can't believe it's almost baby time!! Can't wait! =) And I'm sure you can't either!