Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who do I look like?

Many, many people ask us "Who does Marin look like?" meaning either Jason or myself. Even after people meet her, often times they ask the same thing. She doesn't really look exactly like either Jason or I did when we were little. There are features of hers that are definitely Jason, and there are features of hers that are more like mine. Jason said it best: "She looks like Marin."

Marin was 10lbs. 10oz. and just over 24 inches long at her last doctor's appointment. We are told that that is in the 90th percentile for her height and 25th percentile for her weight. Jason and I were both pretty long and narrow when we were children with skinny limbs-- so perhaps she is just like both of us.

You decide for yourself:

Here are a few recent pictures of Marin:

Here are a few of my baby pictures:

And here are some of Jason's baby pictures:


Lindsay said...

Definitely you!! Every once in a while she'll have a Jason expression, but naturally she looks like you.

Jennifer said...

YOU!!!!!! all they way!!!!!

Emilie said...

Perfect mix of the both of you! She does look more like you though:)

Alexis Jacobs said...

I say she favors you.