Tuesday, April 21, 2009

next up... napping in her crib!

Marin's lifelong to do list (to date):
1. Learn to nurse- check
2. Follow an object with my eyes- check
3. Sleep through the night- check
4. Hold my head up (most of the time)- check
5. Drink from a bottle- check
6. Learn to nap in crib- HELP!

Marin refuses to nap in her crib. She sleeps there at night with no problem for hours. But during the day for a couple of hours? No sirree. She naps in our arms, in her swing, in the car, and in the stroller, but not in her crib.

We'll get back to you on our progress here.


Elizabeth Chilson said...

When you figure this one out...let us know :) Drew still refuses to nap in his crib. He sleeps in there all night, but won't go down for a nap at all in his crib. It's definitely a predicament!

I am loving reading your blog. Mike and I check it all the time!

Love, Elizabeth & Mike...and Drew!

miabasile said...

Colin is the same way. He will only sleep in his crib if he is in his car seat, because of reflux. I'm trying 20mins every now and then. Sometimes I get an entire hour. Since we're both having this problem, I bet it's pretty common. Good luck. Love the blog!