Of the adjustment to a new baby, a family friend of ours said to me the other day, "It's a whole new life." How true that is. Jason and I are living an entirely new life. It's a wonderful new life- but when baby made three, our new life began indeed.
That being said, we are adjusting well. Jason has been off of work for the past 16 days, and it has been fabulous having him here. I think I am just as thankful for the paternity leave perk of his job as he is. It has been such fun for us all to be together as Jason and I get to know Marin and she gets to know us. Jason goes back to work tomorrow, and it might be a whole different story then; when at noon I announce that I am hungry and neither Marin or Norah rush to make me a sandwich (or clean up afterwards).
It's funny how we learn on the fly, and we learn so much in one day that when I look back to just last week, it seems like an eternity ago. Nursing was a tough go in the beginning. Now, I can nurse Marin and play rope toss with Norah at the same time. We joke that since I'm the milk truck, Jason is on waste management duty. The guy can change a diaper in the dark with his eyes closed. And 16 days ago he had never changed a diaper in his life.
I now have confidence that when we put her to bed at night, she will still be alive in the morning. In fact, I know now that when we put her to bed at night she will be awake (and hungry) two hours later.... and then two more hours after that.
Marin is truly a joy. We love her little coos. She really seems to be a pretty good baby so far. She only cries when she wants something, and then Jason and I persist in trying to figure out what it is she needs. It is usually either that she's hungry, she needs her diaper changed, she wants to be held, or, making her daddy especially proud- she has gas.
I love to look at her. We do a lot of staring at each other these days. She has the funniest little faces and is just too cute (this coming from her mother, of course). :) It is amazing to me to look at her and see Jason or myself. She has my crazy long toes and narrow feet, and Jason's mouth and perfect ears. Mostly, I love to watch Jason with her. The way he picks her up and whispers, "Hi beautiful!" to calm her. It is no secret that I think my dad hung the stars in the sky, and I am so glad that Marin will have that with her dad as well.
So yes, it is a whole new life. And it is undoubtedly the biggest adjustment of our lives. But we are adjusting to our threesome well. Even Norah is crazy about her little sister. For the first time, I think I can actually do this. :)
So precious! and glad things are going well. I love being a mom, and those first babies are just so fun and so new! You look fabulous as well. I always felt so good after having a baby....I better watch it we might be on #5...lol
ps if you have any breastfeeding questions..ask away, I breastfeed 4 babies....:)
*sigh*... I love looking at her, too - I just love me some baby cheeks! You're a PRO, Jo, because I *never* mastered nursing. :( And all that staring is so wonderful for all of you! Good luck on your first day solo - you'll do great!
So excited for you two. I totally love that you are getting the hang of it all so early. Marin is adorable, and is so blessed to be welcomed into a house with so much love...what a lucky little girl. Sounds like you two are having a blast...have fun and can't wait to meet her!
Jo -
I'm so glad things are going well. How could they not?? She's adorable. Just absolutely beautiful. It's such an amazing time in our lives, isn't it?? I can hardly believe Drew is 5 months! The time just goes by so quickly. Enjoy every little moment.
Sounds like you guys are settling in very well. I love the picture of her with all the stuffed animals. Too cute!
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