Monday, January 25, 2010

To Marin: Some things I'd like you to know

There a few things every girl should know;
Here are a few to keep in mind as you grow...

- Have a firm handshake. Wimpy handshakes are not feminine.
- Send thank you notes.
- Bring a hostess gift.
- Barbie is a slut.
- Don't forget birthdays.
- Never settle for anyone less wonderful than Daddy.
-Always, always say please and thank you. Even when you are running late.
- It's okay to fall in love in high school, but be prepared for heartbreak.
- Talk to adults- even when you are not one.
- Make friends with the girl who is eating alone.
- Don't pull Uncle Jake's finger- no matter how funny he promises you it will be.
- You are beautiful. Even if you have to wear braces and inherit Mommy's crazy hair, I have looked inside your soul, and you are perfect just the way you are.
- You are never too old to need your Mommy.
- Laugh a lot.
- In moderation, it's okay to treat yourself to something special.
- Call your grandparents.
- Have your own money and manage it wisely.
- Hug generously.
- Wear nice socks and your wedding ring to the gynecologist; it makes you feel less icky.
- There is no substitute for a girlfriend you can always count on. Make sure you are there for her, too.
- Be brave.
- Be passionate about what you believe in.
- Don't order a salad on a date if you really want the filet.
- Be equal parts proud and humble.
- Give back.
- Pretty underwear is worth it.
- You won't ever know it all. Not even when you are Mommy's age.
- Remember that everyone came from somewhere different, but you are all equal in God's eyes.
- Calories don't count if you eat off a fancy plate.
- Every morning is a chance to start over.
-Trust your instincts.
- Pay attention in math class.
- If you don't think they are just friends; chances are, you're right.
- Spend some time being quiet every day.
- Always do your best, even if that means it isn't perfect.
- The nursing home isn't as scary as it seems.
- If you aren't in love, he isn't worth it.
- If he's had too much to drink, he probably doesn't mean it.
- Keep your purse closed and close to your body.
- Smile
- Share
- Throw tea parties.
- Play in the mud.
- You can never, ever have too many pairs of shoes.

1 comment:

miabasile said...

So sweet. I love it. My mom wrote me one of these when I was 15. My favorite parts were to stop and smell the roses, always, always take responsibility for your mistakes and finally give yourself a break-don't beat yourself up when you make mistakes. I still have that letter...somewhere.

This is good. "Wear nice socks and your wedding ring to the gynecologist; it makes you feel less icky." Might I add, it doesn't hurt to remember to shave your legs.

Also, we have the same high chair. Can Marin tell Colin why it's OK to keep the placemat on the table?