Monday, November 21, 2011

Mashed Potatoes according to 7 year old me

Molly recently unearthed the Thanksgiving cookbook that we made with our 2nd grade class. Feel free to use my recipe for Mashed Potatoes at your Thanksgiving table this year. Be sure to triple check the recipe before you head out to the grocery store though- you don't want to forget the cherries. After all, what are mashed potatoes with out the cherries, beans and mushrooms?!
Molly's recipe for cornbread makes a lot more sense. We should have known that between the two of us, she'd turn out to be both the most logical and the better cook. Apparently I cared more about the very specific way that the food was decorated, than the way the dish would actually taste. Ah, something never change.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Molly said...

Mine makes more sense!?!? I said to shove a loaf of bread into a muffin tin. Then, crack eggs into the muffin tin. Apparently, we had no mixing bowls in our house?!

Anonymous said...

Hysterical! This made me laugh out loud.

Happy thanksgiving!