Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Ten points to anyone who got the title's Oliver reference. If you didn't, congratulations; you are a lot cooler than I.

Marin has been watching us intensely every time we put a fork, spoon or glass to our mouth for a while now. In fact, she watches so intensely that you feel badly not giving her a bite. When she started reaching for the food on our plates, we decided she really was hoping for a taste.

Since she's reaching the six month mark at the end of this week, we decided it was time to give her her first rice cereal. She LOVED it! Her eyes were as big as saucers the entire time. She reached for the spoon herself, and one time, put her whole mouth on the bowl that we were serving her from.

We have ourselves an eater. Let's hope her willingness to try more culinary adventures, continues.

1 comment:

miabasile said...

Fun, Colin loves Earth's Best squash and mmmm sweet potatoes. He won't eat the rice cereal unless it's mixed with veggies or in his bottles. Veggies alone though, delightful! By the way, I got the reference and I will be singing that song to Colin later.