Friday, April 27, 2012

Emilie's First Steps!!!!!

Tried to recreate the moment at home for the camera

Emilie took her first steps today!

The girls and I went to a retirement party for the director from Marin's school.  I was talking with my neighbors, Deb and Kristy, while holding onto Emilie's hand.  Emilie let go of my hand, stood for a few seconds and then took three steps right to Deb!  True to my subtlety, I screamed at the top of my lungs and made a huge scene.  Woops. 

SO proud of you, Emmie Cakes!!  Better get my running shoes out.


Lindsay said...

If my memory is correct, Marin's first step picture was taken in that same spot.

Way to go Emilie!!

Emilie said...

Go, Em, go!!!!'