Besides charming everyone every where she goes with her big beautiful constant smile, here is what Miss Emilie Mae is up to at 5 months:
* She loves music. Whenever I sing to her, which is often, she stops whatever it is she's doing and beams at me. Marin loves to sing to her, too. Currently she's teaching her all of the words for the Illinois Alma Mater and Let Me Call You Sweetheart.
* Emilie watches Marin's every move. She just smiles away at everything Marin does like she is the funniest, most amusing person on the planet. Marin loves her back. She always tells her, "Good Morning, Baby Emilie!" first thing.
* Emilie is much more interested in toys these days. She loves colorful toys that are easy to grab, and she loves to snuggle up to soft things. She also loves to look at the baby in the mirror, and as I did with Marin, I sing my made up, "Who's that baby in the mirror" song, and she goes bonkers for it.
* We're thinking about giving Emilie some rice cereal soon, as she seems really interested in eating food from a spoon. As we eat, she watches the fork or spoon go from the food to our plate and back again like she wonders what that is all about.
* Like her sister was, Emilie is very strong. She tries to pull herself to a sitting position when she's laying down, and she loves to sit and stand. When she's on her stomach she pulls her little legs under her torso like she wants to crawl. Gosh, when I have two kids who can move about on their own, I might have to institute mandatory happy hour as soon as Jas gets home from work.
* Emilie is sleeping better. She goes down very easily still- sleepy but not asleep- and falls asleep until about 3am when she wakes up. Right now I am getting up with her, but soon the poor little sweetheart will have to cry that one out. Ugh. Hate that. Luckily when she does get up, she eats and goes immediately back to sleep.
* Also like her sister, Emilie loves to swing her free arm around and hold onto my finger while she eats. I seriously love this. I also love to rub her little mostly bald head while she eats. She's getting more and more hair in, and I love to feel how fuzzy it feels as it grows. At five months, Marin had much more hair, but never fear, thanks to their special velvet lining, Emilie was able to start wearing the hair bows from the Pink Hippo this month.
Emilie has a sweet little laid back personality. She rarely cries, and just goes along with the flow of Marin's schedule and ours. She is so very sweet. I feel like with Marin, since she was our only child at the time, I was constantly in her face teaching her things, or talking to her. When I do have a moment alone with Emilie I am right in there in her face again, trying to give her as much one on one attention as I gave Marin at this age. I love our girls, and I love watching them together. Now, if I could just slow time down...
I love her
So sweet, Jo!
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