Sunday, August 21, 2011

Emilie- Three Months Old!

Emilie turned three months old last Sunday during our annual family vacation on Hilton Head! I just read back at Marin's three month post, and feel like just saying "ditto" to everything she is doing. I almost can't believe how similar they are. There are a few things different, however, and they are their own people, so I'll divulge below...

* Emilie is a good little pumpkin. She is very happy and SUPER smiley. We think she has the most beautiful smile and just smiles all the time. Until she's hungry- then she has the saddest, but strongest little cry that just breaks your heart.
* Like her big sister, Emilie likes to be held facing out the best. If you hold her facing toward you, she might miss something. She is her mother's daughter. Very social. This, combined with Marin's social skills could definitely be trouble in high school.
* She loves to "talk" to us. When we talk to her and ask her questions she beams back and makes little sounds and moves her mouth, like she knows exactly what we are saying and wants to add her two cents.
* Emilie also likes to put weight on her feet and "stand". I suspect another early walker. Pray for me. ;)
* She is rolling over. She also did this for the first time on our Hilton Head trip last week. Once she's on her tummy, she pulls her legs up under her like she wants to crawl. I don't think that she'll be doing that just yet, but wow, do they grow quickly.
* Emilie has quite a grip. She holds onto objects very well. When it's my hair it isn't so fun. She's strong. She holds her head up well, too.
* Emilie loves to be snuggled and held tightly. This is a sure way to get her to sleep.
* She's not quite sleeping through the night every night, but she has slept through the night a lot. Just enough nights in a row to tease me. We swaddle her up like a little bug and she sleeps long and hard.
* She sleeps well in her car seat and in the swing and her stroller, but also likes to sprawl out for her naps on her floor mat.
* She loves to eat both of her hands, and likes her paci.

Emilie is our sweet little Emmie Cakes. We love her, and her happy little smile and disposition so much. She's such a good baby. Definitely the apple of our eye.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I miss my little stinker doodles!