Monday, November 1, 2010

(Almost) Back in the Saddle...

I am slowly coming alive. After being sick all day every day for nearly 60 days now, I am slowly but surely getting my energy back and becoming human again. Don't get me wrong, my house is still a mess, my laundry is still stacked up in record breaking heights. But I am throwing up in fewer public places, managing to peel myself from my sheets in the morning in almost one piece, and have even ventured off the couch a few times. Yesterday I wore makeup and almost didn't recognize myself.

60 days is a long time to be sick. Think about that s-i-x-t-y days of basically the flu. That is a sentence three times as long as any that Lindsay Lohan has actually served. Next time she gets a DUI or they have to haul her out of some club, they should just shoot her full of pregnancy hormones and see how hot she feels then. She'll be begging for rehab then.

I'm keeping my eye on the reward here, and with each week that passes, it is starting to feel more and more real. There is going to be another little baby in our house in just six months. I can't wait. Marin is goo-goo for babies lately too. We've been talking about them a lot, and she's pointing them out wherever we go by saying loudly and proudly, "baby!" I got to hold a baby on Saturday; it did a pregnant body good. Every hormone was working on overdrive. I can't WAIT for our little bity snuggly new baby smelling bundle of everything wonderful.


Jessica said...

Yeah! Hoping you just feel better and better!

Georgine said...

I think waiting for the baby to come might be the hardest part. It takes forever! Glad you are better!

Elizabeth Chilson said...

Glad you are getting back to your self... I am excited to meet the little one and for you to experience the lack of sleep that we're experiencing. :)

miabasile said...

Yes, gagging on a public sidewalk will never be missed. You'll be back to normal soon.

Anonymous said...

I have been meaning to send you a message saying CONGRATS!! So happy for you guys!

Hope you feel better very soon,