Monday, September 28, 2009


Last Saturday, while we were eating chicken salad sandwiches in the backyard of our new house, Marin crawled on her knees for the first time. Look out world!

Jason was working hard at hanging drywall, so Marin and I decided that we'd bring him a picnic lunch. Drawn to the shiny silver Diet Pepsi can, Marin crawled right to it, dumped the whole thing all over her, and kept going! At first it didn't really hit me. She has been so close to crawling for so long, and she has been pretty mobile with her army crawl. But all of the sudden I looked up at her and said to Jason, "Wait, did she just crawl there?!" I just kept staring at her and when I saw her moving her little knees and arms, I started shouting way too enthusiastically (who me?), "Jas! She's crawling! She's crawling!!" Our neighbors don't know too much about us, except that we have a constant stream of construction traffic, a big dog that hasn't yet learned where her yard ends and the next one starts and that Marin is crawling.

Of course, the video camera wasn't with us, but we captured a little bit on my camera's video feature. You can see that to encourage Marin to continue crawling, I am bribing her with the Diet Pepsi can. Parenting at its finest.

Proud maternal moment indeed.


Jessica said...

When Remy started walking, I used a popsicle to get a picture of camera man (Jay) got a picture of the popsicle in the corner of the camera...but to this day its one of my facorite pics of her:). Congrats on a crawling baby- she is SOOOOO adorable.

Lindsay said...

YAY MARIN!!! Ok, now no more :)

The Vlachs said...

Go Marin!! So exciting!!!!

Elizabeth Chilson said...

It's so much fun, isn't it? And, we do what we gotta do - pepsi can and all!

What did we do before cell phone cameras?

Brian said...

How much longer till she can hang drywall?