Monday, May 11, 2009

My First Mother's Day...

Mother's Day as a mother is really something special. It was really strange to be celebrating me yesterday, in addition to my mom and grandmas. I am so grateful. At the end of the day I told Marin how much I love being her mommy and how lucky I am that she is my daughter. I am so proud of her, and feel so blessed to be a mother. It is the best gift in the world. And it's all because of Marin. What an honor.

Marin decided to kick off our celebration at 5:30am yesterday by uncharacteristically demanding to eat at that early hour. She is a party girl. :) Luckily she ate herself back to sleep until 8:15. Then it was off to church with my mom and dad and back to their house where we spent the day playing bags, chatting with family and of course, eating.

I feel especially lucky to have such a great mom to whom I am so close, and two very special grandmas. I hope that I am even half as good at mothering as they are. A special thank you to all of the dads in our lives, too, for doting on us. It was a wonderful day and another first in a year full of them. I know I will never forget my first Mother's Day.

1 comment:

Sweet Cakes said...

Aww Marin is getting so much hair!! Meanwhile her cousin, Camdyn is losing hers! :)