Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What's in a Name: John William

Like I mentioned here and here, names with meaning are important to us.  And we finally got to use our boy name!  John William was our boy name if Marin had been a boy and if Emilie had been a boy.  Here's why:

John: My dad's name is John and my Grandpa (my dad's dad's) middle name is John.  And, my mom's brother's name is John.  It's a family name name that belongs to some of our very favorite people on earth.  It was really important to me to name John after my dad, mostly because I think my dad hung the moon. It's no secret that I am a daddy's girl.  Adding another John has complicated things just a little bit.  Especially because my dad's middle initial is P, so often he is called John P.  For now, we just have JohnJohn or baby John and Grandpa or Dad.  My dad and my Grandpa are some of the smartest, warmest, kindest people on this planet.  If my son grows to be half the man that they are, he'll be a saint. 

William: Jason's dad's name is William and Jason's middle name is William.  So it's a nod to both of them.  Jason's dad is a great guy.  The kids love their Pappy and now that Jason's older, he's one of Jason's best friends.  Bill did a great job raising Jason, and after his mom died, it wasn't always easy.  It certainly wasn't the direction he pictured his life going at 33 years old.  He taught Jason a lot about responsibility and accountability and I know that Jason attributes a lot of who he is today to his Dad.  Bill and Jason are very close and I hope that Jason and John will have a similar relationship as he grows. 

If he was a girl, I really liked the names Berit, Simone, Caroline or Claire.  But since we knew the gender ahead of time this time, we never really discussed this at length.

So our little JohnJohn is named for both of his Grandfathers and also his Great Grandfather and his Dad.  He and Jason have the same initials and yet, he's still uniquely his own John William Patterson.  We can't wait to see who he'll become.  He's sure to set the world on fire!


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