Friday, March 23, 2012

Emilie- Ten Months Old!

Ten months old already! I'm already planning her first birthday party. Where in the world did this year go?!

At least time isn't flying with a lack of adventure. Emilie sure has been busy this last month. Here are some of the highlights:

-She's pulling herself up! She pulled herself up for the first time on the dishwasher. Probably not very good for the dishwasher but who cares. She's not quite pulling herself up on higher things like the couch or the coffee table, but I think that's because she really isn't on her knees enough. She still has her hilarious yet completely efficient modified army crawl. This girl loves to stand. Once she is standing she would literally stand all day if you let her.

-Emilie has a tooth! Coming in at two months before her sister's first tooth, I was totally shocked when I felt a tiny little bud coming in on the bottom. It is the right middle bottom tooth, and I think the other bottom tooth will be close behind as well as the top two middle teeth. I'm fairly confident that's technical dental terms. Top Middle Right and Bottom Middle Left. :)

-We had our first trip to the Emergency Room. This is what I call a mom's "Oh Shit" moment. Because almost every mom I talk to has had it. It's that moment when you hear a bang, or a thud followed by tears and you think, "Oh Shit". Emilie fell off of her changing table earlier this week. I was right next to her, but I took my hand off of her for literally one second and that girl does NOT like to sit still. Of course I should have known, of course it was my fault, of course I felt terribly. "Oh Shit!" Luckily, she is okay. Thank you Jesus.

- She says "ma ma". Yes, despite me letting her fall from four feet off the ground onto a hardwood floor, she still loves me. I love when she says ma ma. Although da da is still her word of choice, but we're not talking about that right now. We'll also not talk about the fact that she really only says ma ma when she's upset.

-Emilie claps her hands and does "so big!" Emilie loves to clap her hands and does so all the time, especially when we sing this song from library class about clapping hands. She just beams an enormous smile and claps away. She also loves to do, "How big is Baby Emilie? S00000 Big!" and puts her hands in the air. Although Marin is quick to remind us that Emilie is little and Marin is big. Uh huh. We're there.

- Emilie and Marin are still very much a happy little sister team, however. Marin loves to kiss her and hold her and help her stand, and Emilie could watch Marin all day long. She watches her every move. There are even times when I am feeding Emilie and Marin is across the room, that I have to ask Marin to come sit by us so that Emilie will eat better. Because her head will be totally turned in Marin's direction watching what she is doing. Just smiling at her.

-Emilie is learning sign language. I didn't start with Marin until about a year, but I am starting a little earlier with Emilie. She gets her point across, but she doesn't exactly do the signs as they were intended. Soon enough.

- Emilie is still just such a happy little baby. She smiles all the time all day long and is so easy going. She sleeps well, eats well for the most part and is pure joy. We love you, Emmie Cakes.


Georgine said...

Charley bounced herself and her bouncy chair off the dryer when she was four months old. Onto the concrete basement floor. She has yet to tell me she loves me. Glad Emilie is Ok, and how is it possible she is cuter and cuter as each month passes?

Grandma said...

Miss Emile is just too cute for words!
She reminds me so much of you at this age:
full of energy, smiles galore, lots of face and hand expressions, personality plus, cuddly, and curls.
I love her to pieces. xoxo

Joey said...

She is so cute, and getting so so big! We miss you!